Monday, November 7, 2011


Hey chobots! Chobot's has added even more updates! Take a peek!

The first item cost 1000 bugs, and the seccond item cost 3499 bugs. Sadly, it isn't alot of items but they are at a low price. but ANYWAYS..
If you haven't heard, Lindsay Lohan is out of jail! She came out today. She still has to do community work as a punishement, but oh well. She will have to go back to court in December. If you really want to read more, click here. That's all for now! Bye!


They also added a cload board!


Smile Spawkle Shine ! said...

when did she goo out of jail????? she went that day or sumthin my mom told me after school and i was like OMG RLLY YAY!!!! wasn she a singer

Mo(: said...

I think she was just an actor.
I heard from pix11 news. I watch it about every morning. I like ur name btw xxx

Anonymous said...

oh ok

do u know what movies she was on and thx i like ur name too

Mo(: said...

I think Mean girls. Thats the only one I know. and thx!