Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More new items...

Hey guys... Chobots has added even more new updates. Here they are;

Pretty cool, right? The first one cost 4,000, the second one cost 4999, the third one cost 7,000 and the mask cost 13,000. Today, I thought of talking about style. When you hear the word ''sytle'' who comes to your mind. Well, you wan't others to think about YOU. So, its time to became a bit more fashionable. I think of Julz when it comes to fashion. *_*
So, first things first, you want your outfit to match. Pick out 1 or 2 colors and stick with them. Here are some items that you should try to not avoid.

Of course, theres alot more, but these are some things you'd want to buy. They are pretty cheap. Until next time,


seashell said...

cant wait 4 new items

Mo(: said...

yup! Me too. :)
Which one is ur favorite?

seashell said...

the one with the mask its so cute!!!

Mo(: said...

I totally agree.
I enjoy the red dress. hehe!
