Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A bunch!

Heylooo guys!(x Today, I decided to share a song with you. It's my favorite song, and I think you'd like it to.

I'm not really going to go further with that. Let's move on! Strawberry, (made my template and is sooo nice) became a moderator!
Congratulations gurlie! Also, the pets constructor HAS DISSAPEARED! Take a look!!!
If you're wondering, he moved to the forest. Looks like someone got lost while hiking!♥.
You've probably seen alot of people with purple fireboots, or pink wings. Well, I HAVE BOTH.

You better be. Haha. Cool right? That's all for today! Quite a bunch of updatess!


Zac said...

Yeah im mad >.>

Mo(: said...

Lol :P

you should be!:D

Mo(: said...

I should add a pic of the wings. they're fire wings that are pink ;o

Mo(: said...

if ur wondering where i got em, i got them from rainnnn