Thursday, December 15, 2011

Almost there.

I haven't been posting since awhile, but thats mainly because I took a break from Chobots. I don't want to just abandon this blog, so lets keep it going. I play a different game called TFM. I'm hurmhurm, so dont be afraid to add me. (I dont bite anymore..) If you might know, I adore Thursdays. Its my favorite day of the week. Now In school when we go to my writing teacher, we have to interview someone. So far, we're starting up basic and interviewing our friends. My teacher said this would help us know each other better. I barely know anyone in writing, so I'm stuck with strangers for two periods.
This girl named Mariah interviewed me. She's one of those you know.. shy girls. Our teacher said our writing would get better and plus we would also be able to answer questions about yourself. One rule is, no basic questions. Mariah just walked away from that and asked me plain old questions. Here's what she asked.
  • What's your favorite subject in school?
I dont really have a favorite subject. I'm not a big fan of school..
  • Where do you live?
Well, I live in the same town you live in. . .
  • How do you make friends?
First of all I want to point out that I only make friends if they go to my school. When they dont go to my school then I wait for them to come up to me. I would rather make friends with a small kid then saying "how are you" to an older person.
  • Whats your favorite color?
I like light purple, and sky blue.

  • Do you like the name Mariah?
Oh I love it. . .
  • Whats your hobby?
I like playing on the computer. . .

Yeah, so thats about it. I freaked out when Mariah asked me where I live. Also, 10 more days until Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Im so Im so Im so Im so Im so PROUDOFYOUU

Hey Little chobots! Today I added a new template. Do you like it? This is a Christmas template. The other one was a winter one.)) To make this post more longer, I am going to collide another topic with it.

Have you ever heard of Cimorelli? You're probably wondering who they are. Well..
  • Cimorelli is a group of singers on youtube. They do covers, and they are really goooood.
Go search them up. You wont be dissapointed. (; My favorite is Lisa. She's soooooo purty. So, their recent cover was on Im so proud By drake. They sing is WAY better than drake. When I listened to drake's version, I was like ewwww. I love drake though... he's cute:D

Old pic..Without dani^^ I think the 3rd girl is Lisa. Pretty right?

Thats all for now!:D

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Today I was really bored on chobots, so I decided to tell everyone to come to Red City. I didn't think it would work but I got a TON of people over. I feel really powerful!
I made a pretty big impression see:

Then, i got this message:
-.- grrrrrr

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Updates

Hey guys and gals! There are a few new updates on chobots! First, there are new is a new city!
Also, the bottom of a few screens are now blue.
Lastly, the menu screen has changed.
There are also only two languages to choose from. If you see any new updates that I missed please feel free to comment and I will gladly add them! Until next time!

Gobble Gobble template?

Heylooo guys! So I was thinking that I should make a thanksgiving template, but the only way to know if I should or not is to ask you guys, my audience!! So, below in the comments make sure you tell me if I should make a thanksgiving template or not! Byeee!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Zoo's Party :D

  WOAHHH!! Okay so Zoo was hosting a party :D He said if we spelt his name... He would rain >:D So here's a pic of his name with our chobots :P

New Updates!

Hey y'all. There are is a new update on chobots! It is realy small but it's worth sharing!
See, there is a new color for the little scrolly thingy :) Byyee!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hello chobots! :) We meet again! So, today I will be holding a contest. You can enter in more than one thing. You can figure out these two riddles...(about chobots)

A room where you can chill out, and bring a snack and have a party!
A room which has a silly suprise, and were you can sing one little song to have a blast!

Or, you can enter this. All you have to do is tell me about your favorite room! Use this template.
Make sure you include your name and include a picture!

New Template!

Hey you little chobots! Today I made a template for our blog, and its ready for winter. How do you like it? I think its amazing!! We will have a matching banner and EVERYTHING. Tell me what you thing about it below in the comments!  Also, soon we will have a contest and you will be able to win a template!(: Chow!


Hey chobot elves, cheesepuff here. I am realy happy right now because I just won citezen from Strawberry!

The question was how old Belle was (36) and I won! Best day eva's! Next, there are 3 new items in the shop!
FUN FUN FUN! I'm gonna go eat some soup now ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I won? I WON!

Hey guys! Today I decided to share the prizes I have won with ya'll. I have one alot so far! I've won 6 contests in my whole chobots life. Lets get to the point!

Fast Typing contest;

Dave's contest;

I also did win a farming contest but I don't know where the picture is. :s I won 7 days of citizenship for all contests!:D All i can say is never give up, and you might just win too!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Party ;D

OMGGGGGG Today there wuz an AWESOMEEE party at the cafe street :3 It even rained >:D

Umad?(; LOL XD

New shewttttt

Chobot's has added a new shirt! Look!!

It's only 1,000 bugs! Get it while it lasts!!

B.T.W, I am going to be adding MORE pages today!

error.. ERROR!

So, yesterday, my friend Mark told me that you shouldn't use tk. Why? Because it messes up your blog! Because of that, you guys should start visiting my real blog,

Now, i totally realized what the problem is. The sidebar is all mushugina. Take a look for urself...
If you were to compare the .tk with the .blogspot you could tell there is a difference. Any who,
I added fishies down below! Check 'em out!!! I also changed the search button image. How does it look? Plus, I added a cursor. It only works if u hover a picture or anything like that. Also, the chatbox is gone. BUT NOT FOR LONG! I WILL bring it back. Plus, I added a new page! TFM TIPS! CHECK IT OUT!!! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More new items...

Hey guys... Chobots has added even more new updates. Here they are;

Pretty cool, right? The first one cost 4,000, the second one cost 4999, the third one cost 7,000 and the mask cost 13,000. Today, I thought of talking about style. When you hear the word ''sytle'' who comes to your mind. Well, you wan't others to think about YOU. So, its time to became a bit more fashionable. I think of Julz when it comes to fashion. *_*
So, first things first, you want your outfit to match. Pick out 1 or 2 colors and stick with them. Here are some items that you should try to not avoid.

Of course, theres alot more, but these are some things you'd want to buy. They are pretty cheap. Until next time,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A bunch!

Heylooo guys!(x Today, I decided to share a song with you. It's my favorite song, and I think you'd like it to.

I'm not really going to go further with that. Let's move on! Strawberry, (made my template and is sooo nice) became a moderator!
Congratulations gurlie! Also, the pets constructor HAS DISSAPEARED! Take a look!!!
If you're wondering, he moved to the forest. Looks like someone got lost while hiking!♥.
You've probably seen alot of people with purple fireboots, or pink wings. Well, I HAVE BOTH.

You better be. Haha. Cool right? That's all for today! Quite a bunch of updatess!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hey chobots! Chobot's has added even more updates! Take a peek!

The first item cost 1000 bugs, and the seccond item cost 3499 bugs. Sadly, it isn't alot of items but they are at a low price. but ANYWAYS..
If you haven't heard, Lindsay Lohan is out of jail! She came out today. She still has to do community work as a punishement, but oh well. She will have to go back to court in December. If you really want to read more, click here. That's all for now! Bye!


They also added a cload board!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New background!

If you haven't noticed, chobots has added a new background a few days ago!
It's only 700 bugs, and all I can say is that that is very cheap! Hurry and go buy it before they might change the price!