Saturday, July 14, 2012


 Hey chos :3!
Chobots finally has some new updates! Lets take a look!
First off, chobots has a new{old} interface!

Just in case you have either forgotten or have never seen the old interface before, then here's a small "tour!"

  1. How many coins/bugs you have
  2. Your status - Junior/Citizen/Agent/Moderator/Designer etc!
  3. What level you are on for cho
  4. Your family (accounts you made on the same email you used on the current account you're on)
  5. Your home (click to travel)
  6. Twitter button
  7. Emotes/Smiles 
  8. Your cho-friends
  9. Dance moves
  10.  Your magic
  11. The map
  12. Help button
  13. Menu (adjust quality/language, change password etc)
  14. Academy (facts)
Well, that's about it! I skipped the button between nine & ten because it isn't that important. (Its just cho events) If you know how to use the interface{s} we used to have than all you have to do is use it the same way! (different locations) 

We also have new clothes &..


I love it so much! {Almost} everything is made by me! If you're wondering, I edited with picmonkey & photoscape.
I really do suggest downloading photoscape! I really hope you like the new design as much as I do :3 Its only going to be here until mid-September! 
Well, see you guys soon! c:


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