Thursday, July 19, 2012

Party (: & PrtSc trouble? :o

Hey you guys (:
Chobots had a surprise party on the 15th! :D

Right after I logged off.. :c but.. 
Just kidding.. x'3 I'm not really sure when we are gonna know who the journalists are going to be, but I hope the staff didn't forget about it D: I'm done with the anticipation.. I just wanna know! I entered this time so .. yeah :3 
Are you having PrtSc troubles? If you don't know how to take a picture of your screen you're in the right place, because I'm going to teach you how to right now! :D First, make sure you know what you want to take a picture of.

On the right upper corner on your keyboard you should see a button that says PrtSc SysRq.

Hold down the button for about one second c; 
You might see your cursor blink/dissapear for a second. Once you take the photo go to start>accessories >paint

Then click paste or ctrl + v at the same time.

and there you have it!(: Thanks for reading :3
**If you don't have the button, use start>accessories>snipping tool**

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