Monday, July 30, 2012

A slice of Albert.. wait what? :3

Hey guys! I haven't posted since almost over a week! I'm extremely sorry!  
I haven't really been playing chobots either, so I decided to go on today! I'm having a lot of trouble managing my pet. Whenever I feed it my pet becomes sooooo tired. Now I don't have bugs to buy food!! I feel like I'm frozen in youknowwhat.

Besides, I was watching tv "with" my little sisters & I saw a commercial for WeeWorld! It's so cool, and I enjoy it a lot. I've basically have been spending my time there. 

Chobots has added yet another person to the team. Alot of guys are on the team.. o_o. 'Cmon women! Sign up for staff already! =D. His name is Albert. Lets give him a round of applause..

Woop woop! Sorry for the ultra mega sorta short post. I don't have much time on my hands! Tootaloo.. o-o 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Party (: & PrtSc trouble? :o

Hey you guys (:
Chobots had a surprise party on the 15th! :D

Right after I logged off.. :c but.. 
Just kidding.. x'3 I'm not really sure when we are gonna know who the journalists are going to be, but I hope the staff didn't forget about it D: I'm done with the anticipation.. I just wanna know! I entered this time so .. yeah :3 
Are you having PrtSc troubles? If you don't know how to take a picture of your screen you're in the right place, because I'm going to teach you how to right now! :D First, make sure you know what you want to take a picture of.

On the right upper corner on your keyboard you should see a button that says PrtSc SysRq.

Hold down the button for about one second c; 
You might see your cursor blink/dissapear for a second. Once you take the photo go to start>accessories >paint

Then click paste or ctrl + v at the same time.

and there you have it!(: Thanks for reading :3
**If you don't have the button, use start>accessories>snipping tool**

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Have you realized?

Mo here :3 {obviously!} If you haven't realized. . . the forest is GONE!

At least we still have the beach! Also, the chat isn't bold anymore!

Since I don't have much to say, here's a cool tutorial!
(From my other blog cho-extreme)

Today I will be teaching you guys how to say a blank chat bubble!
For example..

Step one, in the chat box type in <anythinghere> <anythinghere>

You can really write anything between the <'s but do not write anything innapropriate!
Once you do that, click enter or the big blue dot and there you go! Have fun with this glitch.. :3

Saturday, July 14, 2012


 Hey chos :3!
Chobots finally has some new updates! Lets take a look!
First off, chobots has a new{old} interface!

Just in case you have either forgotten or have never seen the old interface before, then here's a small "tour!"

  1. How many coins/bugs you have
  2. Your status - Junior/Citizen/Agent/Moderator/Designer etc!
  3. What level you are on for cho
  4. Your family (accounts you made on the same email you used on the current account you're on)
  5. Your home (click to travel)
  6. Twitter button
  7. Emotes/Smiles 
  8. Your cho-friends
  9. Dance moves
  10.  Your magic
  11. The map
  12. Help button
  13. Menu (adjust quality/language, change password etc)
  14. Academy (facts)
Well, that's about it! I skipped the button between nine & ten because it isn't that important. (Its just cho events) If you know how to use the interface{s} we used to have than all you have to do is use it the same way! (different locations) 

We also have new clothes &..


I love it so much! {Almost} everything is made by me! If you're wondering, I edited with picmonkey & photoscape.
I really do suggest downloading photoscape! I really hope you like the new design as much as I do :3 Its only going to be here until mid-September! 
Well, see you guys soon! c:


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New template?

Hello cho's! Today there were no servers on chobots, but I knew I wasn't the only one. When I checked on the blog I saw that chobots had some difficulties,but do not worry because you aren't deleted/banned. 

If any of you have noticed I have changed the blog!! What do you think? I'm not done yet but I like it a lot. (I don't like pink.) Soon I will see if I can make a template but I cant for now because my rooter is jacked up or my laptop just isn't connected to the internet. I have two accounts on my laptop and my guest account cannot change the internet options (connect to internet) and that account has artisteer. This template will only be available for now.
Until Next Time,

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Hey guys! Chobots is having problems when you click the play now button on the blog.(This morning didnt work) Besides that, Samantha is here!! She is located in the music stage (first go to rockemall street and where the time portal was it is there (: xx )
(Music stage)
The prize you will get is hair :D There is also an update for the agents!

Agent's now have a very special button that warns others if they do something bad (like a report button) Make sure you do not abuse your powers though. We also have new membership! Take a look.

Last but not least we have new agents! Congratulations to all of you! Well that's all for now! See ya!